
Thursday, February 21, 2013

CNY 2013

Happy Chinese New Year for all who celebrate it! A lil' bit late, but of course we can still greet Chinese people a happy new year until the 15th night a.k.a. Cap Go Me a.k.a. this 24th Feb.. :))

In this post, I'd like to share what I and my family had eaten for last Chinese New Year Eve.. Hehe.. This year we didn't celebrate CNY like we did before, because we still haven't pass 100days since my grandpa passed away.. My mom's family especially, don't give any angpau this year.. :'(
But CNY is not all about angpau, right? It's about gathered with family.. Having a great time together.. :)

Shark Fin Soup


Steamed Fish
Pe Cam Ke a.k.a. stewed chicken

Fried Vermicelli

Broccoli with fish

Fried Frog with garlic

Fried Prawn w/ Oat

Special Fried Tofu
Actually, almost all of these were bought from a resto, because my mom had not enough energy to cook oll the menu.. hahaha.. So, can you guess what menu exactly did my mom cooked? The answer will be given at the end of this post :p

After finished eating all of them, we still have something to eat.. :D
In some way, I feel those were too much, but I can't complaint, because this is a celebration! YEAH!!!

I don't know what's the name :D
This "bao" usually filled with tausa (black bean).. But this time my mom bought the one with green bean filling.. hehe.. I seldom find this "bao", but when I found it usually it's chinese people praying time and yes, my mom get this for CNY pray..

X.O Hennessy Cognac
My family member wasn't really good in drinking alcohol. But sometime, we opened a bottle just too enjoy the feast of a celebration.. *cheers*
FYI, my grandma like to add a little amount of this on her shark fin soup.. -..-'

Eaton's CNY Peach Cake

I'm not really a fan of fruit cake, but everytime I saw Eaton's, I feel like my stomach's calling me to eat them.. haha.. YES! The appearance of the cake is always great, with the fruity garnish everywhere giving them so many colors and they attracted me successfully.. :D

Nata's Green Tea Almond Cookies and Button Cheese
The last but not least, we eat many kinds of cookies for CNY.. These two is a little bit special for me because of the price and the taste! Hahaha.. OK, let's forget the price!
The one I like the most is the right side, Button Cheese.. They made it in two layer, the top is sweet standard meringue, and the bottom is super cheesy cheesy cookies.. When they eaten together it taste like heaven!! Hahahahaha..

As you can see, so many great dishes and snacks (and also mandarin oranges) I've eaten in CNY celebration, don't you dare to ask how many kilo I gained in 2 days!! hahaha.. OK, I'll tell ya! I gained a kilo in 2 days! :'(
And for the answer of my last question about what menu did my mom cooked herself are : shark fin soup and steamed fish.. hehehehe

新年快乐!! 恭喜发财!!
Xīn nián kuài lè!! Gōng xǐ fā cái!!

Bubur Angke

Malem-malem laper? Kadang bubur jadi jawaban yang paling tepat..
Buat sebagian keluarga keturunan Tionghoa seperti keluarga saya, bubur bukan hanya makanan orang sakit, tapi juga bisa dimakan kapan aja terutama untuk menghangatkan tubuh..

Bubur Angke ini salah satu penjual bubur favorit keluarga saya, terutama karena ayam rebusnya yang enak tapi harganya cukup murah.. Memang tempatnyapun ga mewah tapi ramenya itu ampun-ampun dan yang penting rasanya..

Walaupun judulnya "BUBUR ANGKE", menu yang dijual ga hanya bubur loh! Ada juga nasi ayam & bihun bebek.. Bisa dibilang makanan yang dijual di sini bernuansa makanan dari Medan..

Open Kitchen? Hehe
Suasana tempat makan
Ayam rebus se-ember!

Ayam hitam
Ayam putih & hitam rebus
Karena tempat makan ini selalu ramai, makan si empunya tempat memasak / merebus ayam dalam jumlah banyak dan semuanya ditumpuk dalam satu baskom jumbo.. Ngeri, tapi siapa peduli?? Hehe..

Menu Ayam Rebus a.k.a. Pe Cam Ke
Ayam rebus ini memang menu andalannya, malah ada yang datang ke tempat ini hanya untuk makan ayamnya aja, ga pake bubur / nasi.. hahaha.. Sebenernya ini menu yang sederhana, ayamnya direbus, terus di potong-potong ditaburi dengan kecap dan minyak wijen (tentu dengan jumlah banyak), lalu didampingi dengan gorengan bawang putih plus daun cilantro a.k.a. daun ketumbar a.k.a. daun yensui..

Buat penyuka bubur ala China, pasti ga lupa pesen telur pitan.. Telur "herbal" ini memang nampak mengerikan bagi kebanyakan orang, bahkan buat saya sendiri.. Bentuknya ga indah dan bau khas obat-obatan China.. Tapi toh tetap banyak yang suka.. hehe

Telur Pitan a.k.a. Century Egg

Bubur Polos
Buat orang Medan, minuman yang satu ini pasti lebih bersahabat di mulut ketimbang minuman bersoda merk lainnya.. Selain karena ini produk lokal, rasanya juga eksotik, ga standar! Hehe..

Badak - Sarsaparila